در این نوشته قوانین Part-21 را که مربوط به طراحی و تولید در حوزه هواپیمایی می باشد را به صورت فهرست وار و جهت دسترس بودن می آورم و توضیحات مختصری در مورد هر Sub-Part می آورم:
مرجع :
بخش قوانین سایت سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری به نشانی https://www.cao.ir/rules_and_regulation
21.A.90A Scope
This Subpart establishes the procedure for the approval of changes to type designs and type certificates, and establishes the rights and obligations of the applicants for, and holders of, those approvals.
دراین زیرفصل در مورد موارد زیر صحبت می شود:
فرآیند اخذ مجوز برای تغییر در طراحی و نوع ... و تعیین تعهدات درخواست کننده مجوز و دارندگان مجوز طراحی و ساخت
This Subpart also defines standard changes that are not subject to an approval process under this Subpart.
In this Subpart, references to type-certificates include type-certificate and restricted type-certificate.
21.A.90B Standard changes
تعریف تغییرات استاندارد: تغییراتی که مربوط به Type certificate باشد را گویند.
(a) Standard changes are changes to a type-certificate:
این تغییر مربوط به حوزه های زیر می باشد . (3 مورد)
1. in relation to:
(i) aeroplanes of 5 700 kg Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM) or less;
(ii) rotorcraft of 3 175 kg MTOM or less;
(iii) sailplanes, powered sailplanes, balloons and airships, as defined in ILA1 or ILA2,
2. that follow design data included in certification specifications issued by the CAOIRI , containing acceptable methods, techniques and practices for carrying out and identifying standard changes, including the associated instructions for continuing airworthiness; and
3. that are not in conflict with TC holders data.
(b) Points 21.A.91 to 21.A.109 are not applicable to standard changes.
موارد 91 تا 109 در مورد TC قابل انطباق نمی باشد.
21.A.91 Classification of changes in type - certificate
دسته بندی تغییرات در TC
Changes to a type – certificate are classified as minor and major.
تغییرات مربوط به TC در دو نوع Minor و Major وجود دارند.
تعریف تغییر Minor :
A ‘minor change’ is one that has no appreciable effect on the mass, balance, structural strength, reliability, operational characteristics, noise, fuel venting, exhaust emission, operational suitability data or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of the product.
Without prejudice to 21.A.19, all other changes are ‘major changes’ under this Subpart.
بدون توجه به مفاد بند 21.a.19 هر گونه تغییر دیگری ، از نوع Major خواهد بود.
Major and minor changes shall be approved in accordance with 21.A.95 or 21.A.97 as appropriate, and shall be adequately identified.
هرگونه تغییر اعم از major یا minor باید مطابق با بند های 95 تا 97 موردتاییدقرار گیرد
21.A.92 Eligibility
(a) Only the type-certificate holder may apply for approval of a major change to a type- certificate under this Subpart;
فقط دارندگان مجوز TC می توانند اقدام به Major change طبق این Subpart نمایند.
all other applicants for a major change to a type- certificate shall apply under Subpart E.
سایر متقاضیان Major Change باید مطابق Subpart E عمل نمایند.
(b) Any natural or legal person may apply for approval of a minor change to a type- certificate under this Subpart.
21.A.93 Application
An applicant for an approval of a change to a type- certificate shall complete CAOIRI Form 31 or CAOIRI Form 32 and submit it to the CAOIRI and shall include:
جهت دریافت مجوز Change در TC باید فرم های 31 و 32 سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری تکمیل و تحویل گردد.
و باید شامل موارد زیر باشد :
(a) A description of the change identifying
شریحی از تغییرات
1. All parts of the type design and the approved manuals affected by the change; and
همه قسمت های Design که تحت تاثیر تغییر قرار میگیرد و همچنین تغییرات Manual بواسطه این تغییرات
2. The certification specifications and environmental protection requirements with which the change has been designed to comply in accordance with 21.A.101.
بشرح متن (موارد زیست محیطی- رجوع به 21.A.101)
(b) Identification of any re-investigations necessary to show compliance of the changed product with the applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements.
(c) When the change affects the operational suitability data, the application shall include, or be supplemented after the initial application to include the necessary changes to the operational suitability data.
21.A.95 Minor changes
Minor changes in a type- certificate shall be classified and approved either:
(a) By the CAOIRI; or
(b) By an appropriately approved design organization under a procedure agreed with the CAOIRI.
تغییرات نوع Minor باید توسط سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری یا توسط یک سازمان طراح ( DO ) که بواسطه فرایندی مورد تایید سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری باشد، تایید شوند.
21.A.97 Major changes
(a) An applicant for approval of a major change shall:
مواردی که متقاضی تغییرات Major باید رعایت نماید:
1. Submit to the CAOIRI substantiating data together with any necessary descriptive data for inclusion in the type design;
ثبت درخواست در سازمانهواپیمایی کشوری
2. Show that the changed product complies with applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements, as specified in 21.A.101;
با توجه به بند 101 اثبات نماید که تغییرات موردنظر مطابق با موارد ذکر شده در مجوز می باشدو بامحیط زیست سازگاری دارد.
3. Declare that it has shown compliance with the applicable type-certification basis and environmental protection requirements and shall provide to the CAOIRI the basis on which such a declaration is made; and
ارائه یک بیانیه و شواهد مبنی بر رعایت مورد بند دوم
4. Where the applicant holds an appropriate design organization approval, make the declaration of subparagraph (a)(3) according to the provisions of Subpart J;
در صورتی که متقاضی دارای مجوز طراحی DO نیز باشد ، بیانیه ذکر شده در بند سوم را با توجه به Subpart J ارائه نماید
5. Comply with 21.A.33 and, where applicable, 21.A.35.
تطابق داشتن با بند های 33 و در صورت امکان 35
(b) Approval of a major change in a type- certificate is limited to that or those specific configuration(s) in the type- certificate upon which the change is made.
مجوز تغییرات از نوع Major دارای محدودیت می باشد و آن محدودیتها در TC بیان شده است.
21.A.101 Designation of applicable certification specifications and environmental protection requirements
تعیین مشخصات فنی و زیستمحیطی مجوز
(a) An applicant for a change to a type-certificate shall demonstrate that the changed product complies with the certification specifications that is applicable to the changed product and that is in effect at the date of the application for the change, unless compliance with certification specifications of later effective amendments is chosen by the applicant or required under points (e) and (f), and with the applicable environmental protection requirements laid down in 21.A.18.
(b) By derogation from paragraph (a), an applicant may show that the changed product complies with an earlier amendment of the certification specifications defined in paragraph (a), and of any other certification specification the CAOIRI finds is directly related.
However, the earlier amended certification specifications may not precede the corresponding certification specifications incorporated by reference in the type-certificate.
The applicant may show compliance with an earlier amendment of an certification specifications for any of the following:
متقاضی باید برای هر یک از موارد زیر ، مطابقت خود را به اصلاحیه های قبلی (در موردمشخصات فنی گواهی نامه) ، به اثبات برساند:(3 مورد)
1. A change that the CAOIRI finds not to be significant.
تغییری که به نظر سازمان هواپیمایی کشوری مهم نمی باشد
In determining whether a specific change is significant, the CAOIRI considers the change in context with all previous relevant design changes and all related revisions to the applicable certification specifications incorporated in the type-certificate for the product.
Changes that meet one of the following criteria are automatically considered significant:
هر تغییری که یکی ازموارد زیر را در بر بگیرد از نوع مهم(Significant) خواهد بود :
(i) The general configuration or the principles of construction are not retained.
(ii) The assumptions used for certification of the product to be changed do not remain valid.
2. Each area, system, part or appliance that the CAOIRI finds is not affected by the change.
3. Each area, system, part or appliance that is affected by the change, for which the CAOIRI finds that compliance with an certification specifications described in paragraph (a) would not contribute materially to the level of safety of the changed product or would be impractical.
21.A.111 Scope
This Subpart establishes the procedure for the approval of major changes to the type - certificate under supplemental type- certificate procedures, and establishes the rights and obligations of the applicants for, and holders of, those certificates.
این بخش مربوط به فرآیند اخذ مجوز تغییرات Major در TC و تحت گواهی نامه STC می باشد که در آن وظایف وتعهدات متقاضی گواهی نامه بیان می شود.
سپاس آقای مراد پور عزیز
با توجه به ادبیات خاص استانداردهای هوایی مطالب خوبی بود.البته نیاز به تکمیل مطالب هست.
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یک مقدار مطلب تخصصی هست و نیاز به زمان بیشتری برای نوشتن یک متن خوب در مورد Part-21 هست .
این روزها در شرکت درگیر برنامه های دیگری هستم و در صورتی که تراکم برنامه ها اجازه بده ، به این موضوع خواهم پرداخت