این بخش مربوط به مجوز های مراکز تعمیراتی هواپیما می باشد.
این بخش مربوط به الزامات صلاحیت پروازی می باشد.
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در این نوشته سه شماره وجود دارد به شرح زیر:
1. This Regulation establishes common technical requirements and administrative procedures for ensuring the continuing airworthiness of aircraft, including any
1- این کتاب (مجموعه قوانین) به بیا ن الزامات فنی برای اطمینان از وجود صلاحیت پروازی هواپیما ، می پردازد. که شامل موارد زیر است :
component for installation thereto, which are:
(a) registered in a Member State; or
(b) registered in a third country and used by an operator for which a Member State ensures oversight of operations.
2. Paragraph 1 shall not apply to aircraft the regulatory safety oversight of which has been transferred to a third country and which are not used by a Community operator, or to aircraft referred to in Annex II to the basic Regulation.
3. The provisions of this Regulation related to commercial air transport are applicable to licensed air carriers as defined by Community law
Part-145 از مجموعه قوانین EASA مربوط مراکز تعمیر و نگه داری می باشد که در لینک زیر آورده شده است.
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